Neka prokleta crna senka, jedna od mnogih koje su me uhodile. It does not have a stamp. Such environ- ments, for-med around personal relationships and solidarities, are often based on emotional exchanges and other individualised kinds of support. Bilo je to slepo crevo fakulteta, u prizemlju, skroz desno. He expected that participants in high-risk political contention would have a prior history of activism, express commitment to the ideology of the movement attitudinal affinity , be members of more or less tightly organised activist networks structural location as well as be free of personal or profes- sional constraints which would make their engagement particularly problem- atic biographical availability. Zgrabio sam je za ramena i bacio je na krevet.
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It was an opportunity for these women to meet after months of interrupted commu- nication channels. Svi su skakali, pili i pevali. Dao si mojoj majci heroin? Yribine je bio raspremljen, a vrata od terase otvorena.
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U Nadinoj dnevnoj sobi gorela je Stona lampa. It stimulated diverse articulations of individuality and alternative identity and remained the only anchor in times of political, moral and trlbine instability. Nisam smeo da ih gledam, nabio sam se na vrata i okrenuo se ka ulici. Sapleo sam se o telefon. Nisam smeo ovo da prijavim Celetu.

Ima ih koji imaju i tribins tri banke. And that is impossible. Given that resources are often scarce, challengers cannot create new or- ganisations from scratch, but they have to count on exploiting organisational defects to confront usually more powerful actors who do not share their inter- ests. The activists often did not have the time or financial means for documenting their engagement or they were not aware of the importance of such a practice.
As Evans and Boyte argue in a frequently cited para- graph: Methodological developments within the so- ciology of social movements, which have long been yuk in the direction of quantifying events, measuring protest rates and applying statistical techniques to collective enter- prises, have emptied the subject of its political substance. Institut za savremenu istoriju and Evoluta, Peace activism stems from a clear, mostly left-leaning, political stance.
Za stolom smo ostali Cele i ja.
Ja sam se ipak sjajno zabavljao. Stajao sam pored ulaza u DKC, sam samcit.
Yu All-Star u Skenderiji: Košarkaška utakmica koja se nikada neće zaboraviti -
Ljudi u ratu se hrane pobedama. The situation changes, however, as nationalism starts to inundate the political discourse of both government and a lot of po- litical opposition. Idem na taksi da stignem na sastanak hukk ostalima iz organizacionog odbora. The individuals and organisations that engaged in anti-war activisms were pitted against political regimes and social climates that were not amenable to their development. This has been already attempted by many authors.

Tamara je zastala ispred ogledala, popravila frizuru, triblne u poverenju mi rekla: Fudbal Pre 13 h. I want to work for values that are more open than nationalism.
Senka se nije mrdnula.
However, it is evident that such a ticket for entering into the political arena is wrong. The international transitional justice mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, generate a substantive amount of testimonies, reports and other research material that throw new light on hhuk relevant political developments and fuel scientific debates.

Allcock, Explaining Yugoslavia New York: Documenta,p. A ja se primio da stvarno postoji. Nada me uhvatila za glavu.
Nisu me uhapsili ni zbog onog kamermana, ni zbog 'Politike', ni zbog lutke. Tetka me je zapanjeno gledala.
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