Saturday, 14 December 2019


Nonetheless, his songs are also on various other platforms such as SoundCloud where he has over 55 thousand followers, iTune, Tidal, and many others. One of the most interesting things about him is his ability to forge into many characters, which is what has been able to stand him out. There, he got the opportunity to learn Classical music in different languages including Spanish, German, Italian, and Russian. Instead of collaborating with other Viners as was the case, he did it all alone and yet was soon able to pull a lot of followers in no time. Apart from Vine, he has also got massive followership on other media sites such as YouTube which he began in Among his characters are Mr. moh reggie couz

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More than just the platform, he has rfggie gained a massive followership on other social media sites such as Instagram and YouTube where he has millions of followers. More so, Twitter is another platform where the YouTuber enjoys great following with over 91 thousand followers. Although she had her fears at first, she still supported him and got fully convinced that he was going the right way when it started paying out. One of the things that one hardly find any reason to argue about Feggie is that he is a very nice looking guy with a good height and a rather slim build.

For his weight and other body measurements, that still remains unknown in the public domain.

moh reggie couz

What gained fame for Reggie as stated was his social media activities most especially his videos on Vine when the platform was buzzing. Even though, as regggie, not much is known about his real parents, he has revealed that his mother has was scared for him making a life out of his chosen profession.

Reggie Couz

Interestingly reggle, he began there shortly after leaving high school. While not much is known about his childhood or how he was brought up, it is known that Reggie grew up as an only child. Hence, the largest share of listeners he gets are people from YouTube most especially. Here is all to know about him.

Thanks to that music background and his skills, Reggie was able to develop the character of Mr. As regards the family life of Reggie Couz, while not much is known about his family, he has been able to recreate his family in his comedy, playing the part of Papa Couz which is a fictional father.

Apart from Vine, he has also got massive followership on other media sites such as YouTube which he began in On Facebook, Reggie has more than 1.

One of the most interesting things about him is his ability to forge into many characters, which is what has been able to stand him out. Among his characters are Mr. There, he got the opportunity to learn Classical music in different languages including Spanish, German, Italian, and Russian. Since then, he has been able to amass close to million views and close to a million followers on the platform.

moh reggie couz

Reggie Couz is a social media personality who has gained fame on Vine where he does comedy and music. As atthe YouTuber revealed that she was his business manager.

M.O.H - Reggie COUZ Chords - Chordify

By the time Vine finally shut down inReggie Couz was already approaching 4 million followers as he had already reached 3. Is Rob James-Collier Married? Nonetheless, his songs are also on various other platforms such as SoundCloud where he has over 55 thousand followers, iTune, Tidal, and many others. Instead of collaborating with other Viners as was the case, he did it all alone and yet was soon able to pull a lot of followers in no time.

On Instagram, he has been able to get together over 2 million followers.

moh reggie couz

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